Accreditation ensures healthcare organisations maintain the highest standards of safety and quality systems to deliver continuous service improvements. The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS) consists of 8 standards developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) to improve the quality of health care in Australia.
Adelaide Surgicentre is a fully accredited day surgery providing a high standard of patient care in the diagnosis and management of skin cancers, other skin conditions and eyelid disease.
- NSQHS Standard 1: Clinical Governance
- NSQHS Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers
- NSQHS Standard 3: Preventing and Controlling Healthcare Associated Infections
- NSQHS Standard 4: Medication Safety
- NSQHS Standard 5: Comprehensive Care
- NSQHS Standard 6: Communicating for Safety Standard
- NSQHS Standard 7: Blood Management
- NSQHS Standard 8: Recognising and Responding to Deterioration
Accreditation History
Adelaide Surgicentre first achieved Day Surgery Accreditation in 1998, when the facility was named Hill Day Surgery and operated from the Wakefield Clinic. The facility changed name to Adelaide Dermsurgery in 2007. In 2009, following the move to Kent Town and the addition of Oculoplastic Surgery services, the facility was renamed Adelaide Surgicentre.
Day Surgery Accreditation has been continuous from 1998. In April 2018 Adelaide Surgicentre once again achieved ongoing accreditation against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (National Standards) at our surveillance audit, conducted by an Accreditor organisation TQCS International. TQCS International assessed us against the NSQHS Standards 1 to 3 (Clinical Governance, Partnering with Consumers and Preventing Healthcare Acquired Infections). We achieved a Satisfactorily Met rating in all 109 actions with 6 observations raised, which we have taken on board to make further improvements to our system. Our next audit in October 2019 assessed our recertification against Version 2 of the National Standards. This audit was conducted by HDAA Australia Pty Ltd and we achieved Met for 110 applicable actions and Met with Recommendations for 3 actions. This outcome recognised our efforts in updating our system to meet the new requirements of these Standards, which build on the existing Standards and include an increased focus on patient and consumer partnerships, promoting health literacy and ensuring our systems are responsive to all patients, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander descent, those with cognitive impairment and/or mental health issues.
In September 2023 HDAA Australia Pty Ltd conducted a reassessment of our certification against Version 2 of the National Standards. We achieved a Met for all applicable actions of the Standards. This excellent result is further evidence of our focus on improving the safety and quality of patient care provided by the practice.