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We are pleased to announce Adelaide Skin & Eye Centre is the first facility in South Australia to have the Sciton Halo Laser, a revolutionary hybrid fractional laser which combines deep dermal rejuvenation with epidermal renewal.

Halo treatment uses two lasers to rejuvenate both superficial and deeper layers of the skin. There is immediate improvement in the skin surface with deeper collagen remodeling over the following 3 months. This improves the signs of skin ageing, including pigmentation, redness, fine lines, texture, pore size & laxity. Halo may also be used in mild scarring and stretch marks. The major advantage over traditional ablative (resurfacing or vaporizing) laser treatment is the more rapid recovery and reduced risk of complications. Two to four treatments are usually required, depending upon the strength of the treatment, and are usually spaced 6-8 weeks apart.

Halo may be combined with other treatments such as intense pulsed light (IPL) for broken blood vessels & freckles and ablative lasers in areas of more marked sun damage or scarring.

To schedule an appointment or for more information contact Anna Davies, our Senior Nurse on 08 8211 0000.

Further information can be found at www.halobysciton.com or by reading our Patient information sheet
